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Dropship 5V 1A Power Adapter, Power Supply AC Input 100 240 V and Output 5V 1A for Set Top Box_DTH Box, CCTV System, Router, Other Electronics And IT Gadgets with Vtech Pin (Black)

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Dropship 5V 1A Power Adapter, Power Supply AC Input 100 240 V and Output 5V 1A for Set Top Box_DTH Box, CCTV System, Router, Other Electronics And IT Gadgets with Vtech Pin (Black)
Dropship 5V 1A Power Adapter, Power Supply AC Input 100 240 V and Output 5V 1A for Set Top Box_DTH Box, CCTV System, Router, Other Electronics And IT Gadgets with Vtech Pin (Black)
Dropship 5V 1A Power Adapter, Power Supply AC Input 100 240 V and Output 5V 1A for Set Top Box_DTH Box, CCTV System, Router, Other Electronics And IT Gadgets with Vtech Pin (Black)
Dropship 5V 1A Power Adapter, Power Supply AC Input 100 240 V and Output 5V 1A for Set Top Box_DTH Box, CCTV System, Router, Other Electronics And IT Gadgets with Vtech Pin (Black)
Dropship 5V 1A Power Adapter, Power Supply AC Input 100 240 V and Output 5V 1A for Set Top Box_DTH Box, CCTV System, Router, Other Electronics And IT Gadgets with Vtech Pin (Black)
5V 1A Power Adapter, Power Supply AC Input 100 240 V and Output 5V 1A for Set Top Box_DTH Box, CCTV System, Router, Other Electronics And IT Gadgets with Vtech Pin
Model:5V 1A Power Adapter With Vtech Pin
5V 1A Power Adapter is a tool equipped with standard Vtech pin having light weight to offer you an ease of use. Its specifications are Input 100-240V and Output 5V 1A. It can be used for various home-office applications viz. Set Top Box, Tablets, CCTV Camera, LED Boards, LED Strips, Solar Light, ADSL Modem, LED Monitor, TV Tuner Card, WLL Phones, Cordless Phones, Weighing Scale, Scanner, and Other Electronics and IT Gadgets.
This product is genuine, compatible and operates very effectively
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: 5V 1A Power Adapter With Vtech Pin
  • Weight: 250.00g
  • Dimensions
    (L X W X H):
    20.00cm x 20.00cm x 3.00cm

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Model 5V 1A Power Adapter With Vtech Pin
Color Black