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Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)

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Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Dropship Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Pack Of_3 Tongue Cleaner(2 Pcs Set) (Color: Assorted)
Enables Access Right To The Back Where Most Odor-Causing Bacteria Reside.
Greater Support And Control While Brushing And Scraping.
The Combined Actions Of Brush And Scraper Effectively Loosen And Then Remove Plaque And Food Debris From The Tongue Surface.
Fights Bad Breath
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: Pack Of 3-Tongue Cleaner
  • Weight: 93.00g
  • Dimensions
    (L X W X H):
    28.00cm x 12.00cm x 2.00cm

Price Details

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Amazon Price: This is the average price this product is selling on Amazon.
Color Assorted
Product Type Home and Kitchen Accessories
Gender Unisex