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Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)

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Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Dropship Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder (Color:Assorted)
Stainless Steel Onion Cutter Onion Holder
Onion Holder Sharp stitches prevent slippage and cut evenly for greater safety and pin joints are sturdy and durable, not easy to fall off.
The Onion Holder can also be used as a meat tenderizer.
Long steel needle penetrates deeply, into the meat to improve its taste.
It is also easy to clean after use. Light in weight, everyone can use it for cooking.
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: Onion Cutter
  • Weight: 80.00g
  • Dimensions
    (L X W X H):
    15.00cm x 10.00cm x 3.00cm
  • SKU: BSCHNKH1700

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Amazon Price: This is the average price this product is selling on Amazon.
Model Onion Cutter
Color Assorted
Product Type Kitchenware
Gender Unisex