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Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )

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Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
Dropship USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer (Pack of 3 )
USB Fan Cooler for laptop and computer
Mobile Phones Mini Electric Usb Otg Fan, Cooler For Android Mobile and Devices
Can Be Used With Otg Compatible Smartphones And Tablets Only
Energy Saving Design, Hurtless Blades, Light Weight, Motor Revolutions
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: Mobile Accessories
  • Weight: 51.00g
  • Dimensions
    (L X W X H):
    18.00cm x 11.00cm x 2.00cm
  • SKU: BSCHN299

Price Details

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Color Assorted Color (Green, Black, White)