Trust is an important factor in any relationship, be it a business or personal. We believe that it is important to be transparent for long term and here we are presenting a little trust elements about us.
Go ahead and do your due diligence if you want to.
1. Startup Recognized Company
We are a Startup Recognized company by DIPP, Government of India. DIPP has recognized us to be a startup that has the potential to scale, create wealth generation and employment generation.
Link: Check to Startup India Recognition for Baapstore
Just click on 'Click here to view entities recognised by DIPP as Startup' under the Entities heading. Wait sometime for the PDF to be fully loaded and tap 'ctrl+f' and search for 'Uptail Private Limited'. Not able to get it? Look at the Sno 3250.

2. Registered Private Limited Company
We are a registered company in the name of 'Uptail Private Limited'.
Just roll over 'MCA Services' menu and under 'Master Data', select 'View Company or LLP Master Data'. Click on the small zoom button next to Company/LLP Name field and enter 'uptail' and click on search. Click on the uptail private limited, enter the captcha and click on Submit to be presented with our company registration details.

3. We Create Ecosystem
We have connected with 10,000+ vendors (manufacturers and wholesalers) and onboarded 500+ of them who cleared our stringent policies. This help our resellers sell unlimited inventory and setup their business seamlessly and not worry about quality of products or shipment delays, as we build an ecosystem with parties that respects each other.
4. Visit Direct
Please feel free to visit our office anytime to have a discussion or to check our products quality.